Note: The USPS has implemented a new surcharge for shipments of live animals. This additional fee has already been included in our shipping charges to ensure transparency in pricing. We understand this change may raise questions or concerns. If you wish to voice your opinion about this surcharge, we encourage you to contact your state senator or representative.

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muscovy ducklings for sale in nj

Muscovy Ducks For Sale in NJ

Are you looking for Muscovy ducks for sale in NJ? At Shirlock Acres, we incubate and hatch our own Muscovy eggs. Our Muscovy ducklings are fast-growing, growing 12 pounds in 12 weeks. Whether you want Muscovy ducks for their eggs and meat, or to keep as pets, choose Shirlock Acres for your Muscovy duck needs. We’re dedicated to hatching and raising Muscovy ducks to meet your needs.

male muscovy ducks for sale in nj

Male Muscovy Ducks For Sale in New Jersey

female muscovy ducks for sale in nj

Female Muscovy Ducks For Sale in New Jersey

muscovy ducks for meat sold in nj

Muscovy Ducks As Pets

muscovy ducklings as pets for sale in nj


How Much Do Muscovy Ducklings Cost?

Our male Muscovy ducklings for sale in NJ cost $10.10 per duckling. Our female Muscovy ducklings for sale in NJ also cost $10.10 per duckling. We also offer a Muscovy duckling starter pack that has everything you need to get started raising your Muscovy ducklings for $84.95. If you order straight run Muscovy Ducklings, you will get a random gender of Muscovy at $8.10 per duckling.

Where Do You Ship Muscovy Ducklings For Sale in NJ?

Our hatchery is located in Narvon, PA. We ship out all local and nationwide orders on Wednesdays, removing ducklings from the hatching tray and placing them in washable delivery trays to send to our local customers. Even though our hatchery is in PA, we ship our ducklings nationwide!

Is it Legal to Keep Muscovy Ducks As Pets in New Jersey?

In general, keeping Muscovy Ducks as pets in New Jersey is legal. However, it’s always important to check with your local officials to see what is permitted in your municipality. Additionally, while Muscovies are typically considered domesticated, it is vital to determine if your area classifies them as “wild.”

muscovy ducks in nj for sale

Shop Muscovy Ducks For Sale in New Jersey

Check out our selection of Muscovy ducks for sale in NJ. Whether you want a male or female duck, meat, or a friend, Shirlock Acres has you covered. We even offer a Muscovy duck starter pack, so you have everything you need to start.